Friday, December 19, 2008

i'm still here!

a lot of time has passed since my last post. daddy came home, so there wasn't much need for my updating because he could be with me in person.

but, i decided that it wouldn't be a bad idea to let you know what i've been up to.

my newest trick has been climbing on top of the refrigerator and then onto the top of the cupboard. there, i just lie and roll around with my head and paw hanging over. mommy laughs every time i do this.

once, i leaped across the kitchen from cupboard to cupboard. mommy and daddy didn't think i could do it, but i did. it was fun for a few minutes...and then i got afraid because i couldn't get down.

mommy did some tough-love with me: she made me climb down on my own. boy, it was scary! i won't be doing that again.

i also like climbing up on top of the cabinets in the bathroom.

last week, mommy couldn't find me. she was in the bathroom and saw lula looking up on top of the cupboard. mommy looked.

and there i was.

i got talent!

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